NAME Silas Neumann
DAY OF BIRTH 14-10-1982
ADDRESS Van der Laenstraat 21, Zwolle
LANGUAGES German (first language), Dutch (fluently), English (fluently)
PHONE NUMBER (0031)641745332

Photo: VeenstraVisueel
Silas Neumann (1982/GE) is a maker, tracer and companion in the field of arts. He is exploring creative ways of documentation and transparent performance. After his Bachelor in Theatre and Education he studied at the international Master of Theatre Practice at ArtEZ in Arnhem. Silas investigated into the notion of Heimat/Sense of Belonging/Home. This research expanded his artistic expressions to audio tours, lecture performances, films and installations. Silas showed his work at various occasions: theatres, festivals and exhibitions. Such as: OpenArt-Biennale Oerobro (Sweden), Figura festival Baden (Switzerland) or Wunder.festival Muenchen (Germany).
2017 – 2019 ArtEZ – school of Arts, Master of Theatre Practice, Graduated in 2019
2009 – 2014 ArtEZ – school of Arts, Bachelor of Theatre and Education, Graduated in 2014
2005 – 2008 University of Hildesheim, Cultural Sciences, stopped in 2008
2003 – 2004 FSJK (Voluntary Year in the Culture) Landestheater Detmold
1993 – 2003 Gymnasium Leopoldinum, Detmold
De Kleine Vrede, Theatergroep De Jonge Honden, 2019
Heimat 3,06, Exhibited at Switch Art Project, 2019
Werktuig (8+), PNTheater, S.Neumann, J.Peters, 2019
Heem, Stadsfestival Zwolle, S.Neumann, S.Mols, 2019
How did we get here, S.Neumann, 2019
Babel, WBVF Zwolle, S.Neumann, S.Mols, 2018
40/45, Puppet International Festival, S.Neumann, J. Eijkenboom, 2016
Free Moresnet, Stadsfestival Zwolle, S.Neumann, 2016
Werktuig, 2Scoremusictheatre – pilot, S.Neumann, W.Meijer, 2015
Vechten tegen Windmolens, Stadsfestival Zwolle, S.Neumann, Stichting Stadsfestival, 2014
Omdat de Koning zei, OverhetIJ festival Amsterdam, S.Neumann, 2014
I/M Redux, Stadsfestival Zwolle, N. LaBute, S.Neumann, 2013
Rabobank ‘jong talent’ award, Young Professionals programma, Theaterfestival Oerol/OverhetIJ, 2013
Waar waren we gebleven, Theater Na de Dam, S.Neumann, 2013
Kleine Mensen in een grote wereld, Stadsfestival Zwolle en ArtEZ, A. Den Doolaard, 2012
Hoeveel dagen nog, 2015
Sometimes it’s hard to be a woman, 2015
Exit Alaska, 2014
Prins te Paard
New letters to home, 2016, German and Dutch Youthproject about the refugeecrisis
The Flight, 2015, German and Dutch Youthproject about the 2nd WW
Jeugdtheaterschool Gouda
Je kan de heuvels zien, partly, 2013
Noord Nederlands Toneel
Hamlet ‘Dichterbij’, 2012
Connected, Landestheater Detmold, Peter Förster, 2004
Nachtasyl, Landestheater Detmold, Joachim Ruczynski, Maxim Gorki, 2004
2018 – 2019 Werktuig (8+), PNTheater
2016 40 – 45, Puppet International
2016 Free Moresnet, Stadsfestival Zwolle
2016 (Ge)strand, Knalland
2015 – 2019 De Drakentemmer (6+), Productiehuis Valentijn
2015 Agora Phobia, Theater Gajes
2014 Feestje voor Bas, CTF, TG EVA
2014 Omdat de Koning zei…, Over het IJ
2013 Biebieb, Robbert van der Horst, Lowlands
2012 – 2013 Waar waren we gebleven, Theater Na de Dam
2012 P.O.V., Robbert van der Horst, Lowlands
2012 OKKO Productiehuis Oost Nederland
2006 – 2009 Van de frisse, Growing up in Public
2007 Warten auf Godot, Marianna Salzmann
2007 Hamlet, Growing up in Public i.s.m. Schlachthof Bremen
2006 Electronic City, Universität Hildesheim
2005 Die Jungen Leute, Growing up in Public i.s.m. Schlachthof Bremen
2005 Oosterburen, Oerol Atelier
Primary School Johan De Witt, Utrecht
Drama teacher, 2016
Quintus College Kampen (mbo)
Projectcoach, Presentation, 2014 – 2015
Theatereducatie Nederland
Workshops (oa. Slapstick, Lipdub, Locatietheater), 2013 – now
Teaching European Workshops
Prins te Paard and Kulturfabrik Löseke Hildesheim
Documentary Theatre for Youngsters, 2015
Associació Casa de Joventut d’Aielo de Malferit, Spain
Tin.Bra Grupo de Teatro infantil de Braga, Portugal
Junges Schuapielhaus Düsseldorf, Deutschland
Take Your stage, Young European Theatre, 2013